25 Jul Kilroy Agency Drills Down On Importance of Integrating Social Media Into Your Overall Marketing Plan
We know that the days of fax machines and physical snail mail is long gone. It’s been all about social media marketing … Tampa PR, Social Media and branding Agency – Kilroy Agency drills down on ensuring that an integrated social media program is part of every brand’s overall marketing strategy.
With today’s world revolving around social media, it’s essential to integrate social media within a brand’s overall marketing plan. According to WordStream.com, Facebook continues to be the most widely used social media platform with 79% of American internet users. Below is the percentage of users based on total population, not just internet users:
Facebook with 68%
Instagram with 32%
Pinterest with 31%
LinkedIn with 29%
Twitter with 24%
The result of a business’s social media integrated into their marketing plan has improved effectiveness in all aspects of the marketing strategy. Last year, 76% of Facebook users visited the site daily, with over 1.6 billion daily visitors, compared to 70% of daily usage in 2015. With this steady incline, it’s pretty clear that social media is here to stay.
Key advantages of using social media:
Reach out to new audiences
Stand out from the competition
Tap into communities across a range of social networks
Generate targeted website traffic
Building a brand takes efforts on all fronts. Social media is essential to not only build awareness but engage, discuss, share, show and sell directly to your customers. With changing algorithms and new social platforms emerging each year … staying connected and on top of the multiple changes will never end.
#SocialMediaMarketing #AgencyLife #KilroyWasHere
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